Send your Notifications Directly to the Browsers of your Website Visitors In Just A Few Clicks!!
Create a Solid List/Audience With No Need To Run An Email List!

Turbo Push Notifications | Special Offer

Discover How To Accelerate Your Internet Marketing Success With My Turbo Push Notifications Software "Reseller Package".  Create a Solid List From the Visitors of your Website and send your Notifications Directly to their Browsers just like The Pros Do. With No Need To Run  An Email List To MAke it Happen.


Allow Your Visitors To Opt-In & Re-engage Them Effectively Sending  Notifications Directly to their Browsers In Just A Few Clicks!

Is there anything more important than getting your website visitor to sign up for emails from you? With Turbo Push Notification, you finally get the exact, simple solution you need to achieve this.

You Need Sign Ups

The biggest problem today's online marketer faces is getting people to sign up. You've done the hard work. You got them to your website. That's awesome, but it does not stop there. Rather, you need them to sign up to receive web notifications from you. If you cannot get them to do so, you are missing key opportunities to achieve your underlying goal of building REPEAT VISITORS TO YOUR SITE!

You need visitors to become customers. Every person who visits your site is a potential buyer and someone you simply cannot let just pass on by.

Get the Ability to Send Web Notifications with EASE!

Turbo Turbo Push Notifications Introduction

Turbo Push Notifications Software | Reseller Package

The Turbo Push Notifications

POWERFUL, the Turbo Push Notifications is a super effective software. You install it and you quickly start seeing results. It's HIGHLY effective and SIMPLE to use.

Why does Turbo Push Notifications matter?

Its biggest benefit is that you are able to create an audience and send instant notifications to your audience. And, there is no need to run an email list to make it happen! In other words, this is a straightforward way of setting up notifications without all of the long, hard tasks usually involved and it is one of the best ways to start getting the results you want RIGHT NOW.

Here's How Turbo Push Notification Works

It's EASY to Make This Work. Here's how.

You will log into your admin area.

You then customize the signup box for desktop notifications. It's very easy to do and only takes a few minutes to put into place. Done and easy!

Then, you'll customize the thankyou message that will be displayed when a visitor provides permission to receive these notifications.

You can then get an embed code to add to your website. Super easy to do, too.

At any time, you can log in to your admin area and SEE THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE who agreed to receive notifications. You can SEE THE RESULTS!

Write your message, then click to display it on your users’ desktop!

Turbo Push Notifications works with both Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Here's how it works in 5 simple steps:

1. Upload the files of Turbo Push Notifications in your hosting account.

2. Login to the protected administration area.

3. Set it up ONCE in 3 minutes.

4. Insert a code to the pages you want to activate the sign ups.

5. Login to your panel from anywhere on Earth and send your web notifications to your subscribers' browsers.

That's it!

Here is the Dashboard - where you can see the total number of your active subscribers and also the daily stats (remember: there is NO LIMITATION on the number of subscribers you can have!):

Here is where you control the design of your signup window and get the embed code:

Here is where you control the design of your 'thank you window':

Here is where you can send your messages with 1 click:

And here is an example of a notification - notice: THE DOMAIN NAME DISPLAY WILL BE YOUR DOMAIN NAME - and NOT the domain name of any a service of others...!

It's THAT EASY to get the results you want!





Here are the technical requirements to run this software:

The software is a type of php script. For this reason, you can install it on all servers. All servers today allow for the installation of php scripts.

A hosting account.

You will need a domain name with an SSL certificate - required by Google so to send your notifications in a secure way, and a dedicated PP address (NOTE: We're copying from NameCheap: "With a recent cPanel update, we started to support the SNI technology that allows installing multiple SSL certificates on a Shared IP address. However, having a few SSL certificates on a shared IP address may cause issues with older versions of some browsers. In this case, all the visitors of such websites will receive a message containing information about untrusted connection. A Dedicated IP address helps to avoid such issues.")

These are easy requirements and it makes it very easy for you to get the job done. Even more importantly, this tool is highly effective when it comes to getting results. It is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE! And, it is easy to install with no strange requirements or hard-to-set rules. You'll find it to be one of the best software available to you today!

Click on the video below to watch the demo!

Not Only That!

... What if I told you that you can also sell the software to your customers. 

That's right... RESALE RIGHTS

You will Get  all required tools to start reselling your very own software Instantly! Ready go sales letter created by professional Copywriter, high quality Optin Page, Promotional Videos, Step by step Video Tutorial, Step by step PDF Tutorial, follow up email series for your campaigns and high quality Graphic design pack.  

Here is Exactly the Instant Software Business In A Box ,
You Are About To Get!

Module #1: Turbo Push Notifications SoftWare
Turbo Push Notifications Software Watch the Video Again and See The Software In Action


Turbo Push Notifications is a Red Hot in Demand & Brand new Internet Marketing Software that allows you to Create a Solid List of Subscribers From the Visitors of your website without asking them to fill any personal information.

Send your notifications Directly to their Browsers Promoting your offers instantly in a push of button.

Your own software to upload in multiple domains you have with no need to pay any monthly Fees. No need for any Programming Knowledge, Wordpress Installation Or Database Knowledge. You wiil get Step-by-step installation videos & PDF installation  and usage guide, you will run your very own Software in just a few clicks.

Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Upload the Software to a directory in your hosting accounts.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Login to the protected administration area.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Set it Up in 3 Minutes.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Insert a Code to the pages you want to activate the sign ups.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Log into your pannel and send your web notifications to your subscribers' Browsers. 
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Software available in PHP format.

*** The conservative value of this software is minimum of:
" $2000"
if you outsourced a similar software.

Module #2: Conversion-Driven Sales Letter
Turbo Push Notifications Sales page image

Ready Made High Quality Sales Letter with hypnotic sales Videos Written By Professional Copy Writer To Increase Your Sales Conversion Rate.

Turbo Site Builder Software tab1You will get high quality Sales Letter to sell your own software instantly.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Insert your name & your payment link.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Upload to your server.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Start selling.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Save hundreds of hours in research and Copywriting.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Save hundreds of dollars you spend in graphic designing & programming codes.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Sales Letter available in HTML5 Format.

*** A professional copywriter charges minimum of:
to create a similar sales letter.

Module #3:  Hypnotic Sales Video Promo 
Sales Video

Top Internet Marketers assured that Video Marketing is the most powerful Marketing strategy in the current decade. Video message make your sales page live and attract your website visitors to your offer.

turbo site builder tab1Added professionally done video message to your sales page to make it live.
turbo site builder tab 1Hypnotic Sales Video Promo will increase your sales conversion rate and skyrocket your profit.
Turbo site builder software tab 1Hypnotic Sales Video available in MP4 Format.
*** An Hypnotic' Sales Video Cost about:

Module #4: "WOW" Graphic  Designs
Graphic Design | Basic Edition

A high quality Graphic Package in your sales letter created by a very skilled artists to increase your sales conversion rate.

turbo site builder software tab1WOW Graphic available in JPEG Format.
turbo site builder software tab1These high quality graphics make your website looks outstanding and give your site's visitor great impression
       from the first look. Always said the first impression is the last one.
*** These Graphic Design have a Conservative Value of"

Module #5: Customer Support System & Legal Pages
Turbo List Builder Legal Documents and Support System

As promised to provide you with a complete and instant software business in a box. In order to make your website looks professional you need legal documents.

You need also a support system to take care of your customers. Never worry you will get a ready done-for-you legal documents and a ready made support system, each ticket will be directed for the Email address you desire for your referrences.

Turbo Site Builder Software tab1You will get support system.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1You will get the  Income Disclaimer document.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1You will get the Privacy Policy document.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1You will get the Terms and Condition document.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Support System Pages Available in PHP Format & Legal Documents Available in PDF Format.
***The Support System you are about to get and the Legal Pages have a Conservative Value of:

Module #6: A Stunning "Lead Grabbing" Page
Squeeze Page

You need a squeeze/Optin or Lead Grabbing page to capture your subscribers' email address and then build trust with them through your follow up email series.

Turbo Site Builder Software tab1You will get high quality squeeze page designed by professional team.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1This perfect squeeze page will increase your optin conversion rate
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Building trust with your customers through your follow up email series will increase your sales conversion rate.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1The squeeze page is available in HTML5 format.
*** Your Lead Grabbing Page Conservative Value is:

Module #7: Credibility Boosting Email Series
Turbo List BuilderCredibility Boosting Emails

You will need a follow up email series to teach your Subscribers the benefits of your product and to build trust with them. Here is done-for-you Complete E-course Comes in 5 Emails.

Turbo Site Builder Software tab1You will get 5 Emails to deliver them to your subscribers by your Autoresponder .
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1This Autoresponder E-course will help you build trust with your Subscribers.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Boosting credibility with your customers will increase your Sales Conversion Rate.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1The 5 Emails you will get available in .docx Format.
  *** A professional copywriter charges a minimum of:
to create similar E-course.

Module #8: Thank You Page
Thank You Page

High Quality Thank You Page with Product Image.

Turbo Site Builder Software tab1You will get a high quality thank you page with Product Image.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Insert your download link in the thank you page and upload it to your server.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Direct your Paid customers to the thank you page url to download the Product.
Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Page Available in HTML5 Format.

Module #9: Step By Step Professional Video Tutorial
Video Tutorial

Step By Step Video Tutorials explain how to install
the software and how to use it.

Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Give the video tutorial to your Customers.
Step By Step Video Tutorial tab1Video Content available in MP4 Format.
*** Step By Step Video Tutorial is Valued at:

Module #10: Step By Step Installation and Usage Guide

PDF Tutorial installation and usage Guide

13 Page User Guide explains the installation
& Set up Process.

Turbo Site Builder tab1You will get a Step By Step PDF user guide.
Turbo Site Builder tab1Give this guide to your customers for better understanding the installation process.
Turbo Site Builder tab1This guide comes in 12 pages.
Turbo Site Builder tab1Pages Available in PDF Format.
*** A Professional Copywriter possibly charge:
to create a similar guide.

Module #11: Product Reseller License Certificate

Resell Rights' License

You will get A Resale Rights' License which determine your terms as a Reseller. 

Turbo Site Builder Software tab1Certificate available in PDF Format.

Bonuses! Only For The First 100 Customers!

Bonus #1: Turbo Site Builder Software
"Personal Use License"  
Real Value: $2000

Turbo Site Builder Software Instantly Create your one Page Website In Just A Few Clics with No Programming Knowledge! Enough talking, just watch the video below:

Turbo Site Business Software Instant Business In A Box Watch the Video to See Your Bonus1 In Action


Bonus #2: Mini Graphic Package     

10 Photos Ready To Be Used with your Bonus# 1 In the Slider Section to Create your website Page in a Flash!

All images and photos have been edited so to MATCH the RIGHT DIMENTIONS (1600x900)... so you can INSTANTLY USE them
with your slides!
Bonus #2 | Graphic Package

So How Much is The Turbo Push Notifications  With Resale Rights  Going To Cost?

Turbo Site Builder Arrow 4 How much time will you spend if you decided to outsource a similar software,create the sales  
      page, Videos and all the documents above.

Turbo Site Builder Arrow 4  If you do not have enough skills in Programming codes, copywriting, designing  graphics.
       How much money will you pay for a copywriter, graphic designer and a programmer to
       create a similar product?

The answer is that:
It will cost you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours from your precious time if you decided to make the same work you see now by your individual effort!

How much you expect to pay to get your very Own Instant Software Business in A Box?

Turbo Ush Notifications | Reseller Package

 Secure No-Rrisk Order Form
Turbo List Builder Chek mark order1Yes! Get me Instant Access Right Now!

I Understand I Have Got What It takes To Accelerate My Internet Marketing Success with Your Turbo Push Notifications Reseller Package Containing the Following:

Turbo Push Notifications Software "Reseller Package"
check Mark final Module 1: Turbo Push Notifications Software  Turbo List Builder Check Mark final Module 7: Credibility Boosting Email Series
Check Mark final Module 2: Conversion-Driven Sales Letter  Check Mark final Module 8: Thank You Page
Check Mark Final Module 3: Hypnotic Sales Video Promo Check Mark final Module 9: Step By Step Professional Video Tutorial 
Check Mark Module 4: "WOW" Graphic Designs Check Mark Module 10: Step By Step Installation and
         Usage Guide
Check Mark final Module 5: Customer Support System &
        Legal Pages
Check Mark Module 11: Reseller License
Turbo List Builser Check MarkModule 6: A Stunning "Lead Grapping" Page Turbo List Builder Check Mark Bonus package


Total Real Value: $6975

Today... I get it all for just


Turbo Push Notifications | Resale Rights
Turbo Push Notifications Software | Reseller Package
Amazing one time investment of $9.95 for instant download access, even if it's 3am.
Each Module mentioned above compressed  in a .zip file. Except Module 2 and Module 8 Compressed together in one .zip file. Bonus package compressed in one .zip file.
I look forward to hearing YOUR success story very soon.

Resale Rights Terms of Use:

[YES] Can be sold
[YES] Can be packaged with other paid products* (without any rights)
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus to a paid product* (without any rights)
[YES] Can be offered as an affiliate bonus* (without any rights)
[YES] Can be added to a paid membership sites* (without any rights)
[NO] Can edit the code of the software
[NO] Can edit images
[NO] Can edit video files
[NO] Can edit HTML pages
[NO] Can be added to a free membership sites
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can sell Resale Rights
[NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights

* Maximum Turbo products to include in one offer: 5

To your success,

Fawzy Morsy

PS. With my Turbo Push Notifications PHP Sccript you will be able to send Your alerts directly to the Browsers of your web site Visitors in just a few clicks. With my Resale Rights offer you will get your very own Software Business in a Box to sell for %100 Profit.

PPS. Turbo Push Notifications Software is a Risk Free Offer, you are covered by my full Refund Promise. If you are not satisfied for any reason you will get your money back without any question asked.

No Refund Comes with this Offer. You get the software almost at give away price "more than %90 Discount". I don't know what you do with this software before you ask for refund. I hope you understand the point where I came from. However, if you have any technician issue drop me an email and be quiet sure that I will solve it. I can be reached by contacting: Email: support[at]turbositebuildersoftware[dot]com

Earnings Disclaimer: Any income examples on this website are not intended to represent or guarantee that you or anyone else will achieve the same results just by using my products. Every individual's success including your own will always be determined by his or her desire, dedication, background, effort and motivation to work. There is no guarantee you will duplicate any results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital, and just by buying this product you understand that you may or may not make any money.

Support  |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy  |  Earnings Disclaimer 

@ Copyrigh 2016 Turbo Site Builder Software
All Rights Reserved